Mittwoch, 9. September 2009

Waschmittel gegen Ausschlag

Stark verdünnte Haushaltsbleiche kann bei Neurodermitis Linderung verschaffen
Haushaltsbleiche als Badezusatz hilft gegen Neurodermitis. Das haben amerikanische Forscher in Tests mit Kindern und jugendlichen Patienten gezeigt. Regelmäßige Bäder mit einer geringen Menge Chlorbleiche seien ein einfaches, sicheres und kostengünstiges Mittel, um den Hautzustand in kurzer Zeit erheblich zu verbessern und neuen Schüben vorzubeugen, berichten die Wissenschaftler um Amy Paller von der Northwestern University in Chicago."

Mittwoch, 12. August 2009

Natural Remedies For Effective Sinusitis Relief

Natural Remedies For Effective Sinusitis Relief: "Natural Remedies For Effective Sinusitis Relief

Date: 01/09/02 Keywords: Sinusitis
Acute sinusitis is a common problem, which you've probably experienced at some stage since it usually develops following a cold. In which case you'll be familiar with the symptoms it causes, including a blocked nose, painful pressure behind your cheekbones and a pounding headache. Luckily there are natural remedies that can bring relief...

Acute sinusitis is a common problem, which you've probably experienced at some stage since it usually develops following a cold. In which case you'll be familiar with the symptoms it causes, including a blocked nose, painful pressure behind your cheekbones and a pounding headache.

However, for some people this isn't just a temporary problem, but instead becomes a chronic condition that can blight their lives for years. In addition to the symptoms already mentioned, chronic sinusitis can also cause a post-nasal drip, thick greenish-yellow mucus, bad breath and an irritating dry cough.

While acute sinusitis is usually due to a bacterial or fungal infection following a cold, the chronic form is more likely to involve an immune reaction to inhaled allergens, such as traffic fumes, cigarette smoke or chemicals at work (from photocopiers, for example), or to pollen or specific foods. Other possible causes include serious teeth or gum infections, or growths such as nasal polyps.

Conventional treatments don't always work and can have side-effects

Most doctors don't give a second thought to prescribing antibiotics for sinusitis, despite the fact that around 40 per cent of sufferers receive no benefit from them. Decongestants"

Slide Show Sinus Infection

Mit schönen Bildern!

Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009


Was ist Histamin, was eine Histaminintoleranz?
Histamin wird einerseits im Körper gebildet oder von aussen durch Nahrung zugeführt. Lesen Sie hier, welche Nahrungsmittel besonders histaminreich sind und welche Beschwerden sie auslösen können.